welcome to the lovelight stories podcast!
Why is it that humanity has yearned for peace over centuries of time, yet it seems the world is increasingly dividing over polarizing views, power, individualism, and hate?
It’s true, we live in a fallen world with its fair dose of pain, hatred, and suffering – yet, there IS space for the love, empathy, and connection we long for too.
But how do we rise above this hate and negativity? Well that, sweet friend, is what we’re about to discover together through the many stories of Lovelight Stories!
But before we jump-in, let me back up a moment, because you might be wondering…but WHO are you? And how did this show come to be?

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Well hello there, Lovely! I’m Stephanie Jacobs, and you’re listening to episode 1 of The Lovelight Stories Podcast.
To put it short, I’m an online creative, storyteller, and advocate for social justice who’s out to bring a little more light to a sometimes-dark world. As your host of The Lovelight Stories Podcast, my mission is to create space for you to uncover personal transformation, expanded worldviews, and a deeper understanding of humanity through beautiful, redemptive stories that inspire your heart.
I’ve spent the last few years volunteering full-time and building relationships with dozens of nonprofits who walk alongside those in difficult situations. I’ve studied poverty alleviation models, community development, ways to engage in philanthropy, and a multitude of different social issues. I’ve lead mission trips, and I also engage in philanthropy myself through a family foundation.
I’ve done all of this, first and foremost, because it’s what I was MADE to do! I’ll share the story of how God placed this calling on my heart and pursued me relentlessly in a later episode, but for now, just know this podcast wasn’t all my idea. It was inspired by our Lord, and my deepest desire is that He’s able to work through me to meet you where YOU are, showing you the way with His love and light.
Now to take a step back even further...
While I didn’t know it at the time, the path I’d later find myself on in life, also had a lot to do with my brother, Jesse. He was born with Down syndrome when I was just 2 years old, and I learned to see immense beauty through his eyes.
At a very young age he taught me empathy, and I became his advocate. (Oh! And we’re absolute BEST FRIENDS.)

Growing up with Jesse influenced my life more than I realized, and as the years passed, I began to sense the deep calling placed on my life.
I got involved with nonprofits and organizations focused around social justice issues. I met fascinating person after fascinating person, story after story. I was learning so much about life, about our world, about God’s people and His love for them, about practical ways to help and love on others. I began to see stereotypes vanish before my eyes and become replaced with knowledge and understanding.
I found myself feeling deep empathy for the things I could finally understand. And all I could think about was what if everyone could understand and see what I’m learning?! It could transform their lives, and the lives around them too!
And finally, one day, I had a full-circle moment when I realized, that just like my brother helped me see the world through his eyes, I knew we all could “see” through the stories of others’ lives too.
And I thought…If only we had a window into the world to help us better understand each of the BIG issues we face as humanity, allowing us to see the good that prevails over the hate and negativity clamoring for our attention…
Enter the idea for The Lovelight Stories Podcast, where we’ll explore different perspectives of social issues through discovery of real, redemptive stories in our lives — paving the way for personal transformation, expanded worldviews, and a deeper understanding of humanity.
These stories will allow us to share in each other’s vulnerability and embrace what it means to truly be human through open, raw, transparent, and real stories.
- We’ll hear authentic personal stories told by real people themselves.
- We’ll amplify their voices.
- We’ll learn about diverse topics affecting humanity, and seek new perspectives on social issues that are, sometimes controversial…Poverty, human trafficking, incarceration, immigration, and more.
- We’ll gain a deeper understanding and awareness of the world around us.
We’ll learn to connect in more meaningful ways.
- We’ll meet our curiosity by exploring different parts of the world, people and cultures.
- We’ll be exposed to a variety of new organizations and connect to causes we care about.
- We’ll uncover wisdom and encouragement for living out our purpose and who we are in Christ.
And ultimately, HERE you’ll find more love, empathy, connection, joy, grace, faith, hope, and purpose in your life by way of new ideas, beliefs, ways of living, and experiences.
To put it simply, this show is for anyone who longs to see more love, empathy, and true connection in our world and their own lives. If that’s you, you’re in the right place!
But why stories? You might ask…
I believe Everybody has a story, and the world needs to hear it.

We learn through experiences, and understand new ways of looking at things when we encounter others who’ve lived them. When we understand, we can respond with love and grace, and even gain the courage to embrace our own authentic, personal stories!
When this transformation occurs, we are better able to emulate love + light to others and find more joy and meaning in life!
Now more than ever, I’m convinced if we could just understand each other a little better, we might be able to see that we’re more alike than different - that most everyone around us has good intentions stemming from perspectives held deep within their heart.
Their worldview might simply be different than ours because of their experiences, pain, or joy.
Yet, that’s also where the beauty lies.
Each of us can see from different perspectives, and we have the opportunity to share and learn from each other. Stories allow us to “see” in this way, and I’m convinced our world needs our stories!

So, what can you expect from the show?
1.) This is not a place to "showcase" stories.
First and foremost, this is not a place to “showcase” stories. Instead, this is a place for difficult conversations, light-hearted stories, and everything in between. We focus on the “why” behind the story, so we can learn from meaningful experiences. We don’t shy away from the awkward here, because well, without it, we wouldn’t have much of a podcast, now would we?
2.) We welcome all of humanity.
We welcome ALL of humanity with dignity, empathy, and love – believing Everybody has a story, and the world needs to hear it.
3.) We listen and learn alongside each other.
We listen and learn alongside each other with curiosity, humility, and vulnerability. This is a safe place to be seen, heard, and understood. Here, everyone can share their experiences, opinions, and perspectives, because we need ALL OF HUMANITY to truly expand our horizons and understand humanity.
4.) We seek to see things from different perspectives.
This show will not force opinions on you, rather encourage you to see things from different perspectives through the eyes and hearts of others.
5.) We'll explore what it means to be human.
Sometimes episodes will introduce you to a new nonprofit or social cause too. Not all episodes will include personal stories, but all will focus around exploring and celebrating what it means to be human!
6.) I am not the expert. We're learning together.
And while I have been in this space for a while already, I am NOT the expert here. I’m asking the hard questions and learning alongside you in real-time. I’ll make mistakes, phrase things weirdly, and use words I probably shouldn’t. That’s all part of pushing through the uncomfortable to truly learn and embrace new perspectives. I hope you’ll do the same!
7.) You are welcome here, regardless of your faith.
And yes, The Lovelight Stories Podcast is indeed Christian focused, because it was 100% inspired by our Lord! It is just as much of a living testimony as it is a ministry…something I call, a Heart-ministry. However, that doesn’t mean non-Christians aren’t welcome here. True to its core, this podcast is about better understanding ALL of humanity and exploring what it means to be human. And as such, we’ll be hearing from people from all walks of life. You are welcome here, regardless of your faith background.
8.) This show gets personal.
Oh and one more thing. Get ready, because this show gets personal. Sometimes it gets dark, but without the darkness we can’t find the light! Overall, these stories are threaded together in a warm, encouraging, and joyful way!

So sweet friend, I’m here to learn alongside you, as we create space for joyful redeeming stories to be told, understood, seen, and heard. I’m here to find and create more meaning out of life – to seek and uncover the hope, love, empathy, and connection we can find in our fellow humanity.
It’s time to rise above all the hate and negativity clamoring for our attention in the world, and find the love and light we long for!
That’s what it all comes down to - LOVE and LIGHT
Hence the name, Lovelight Stories!
So, let’s jump into these stories, shall we? Meet me in the next episode, and let’s uncover the good ones.
I’m so glad you’re here, Lovely! We’re just getting started.

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