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When James Barnett became disillusioned with the church, he knew he needed to go find Jesus elsewhere — by living in the margins. After having chosen to live homeless for two years, James founded Neighborly, a relationship-based poverty relief organization advocating for biblical justice. Their mission is to deinstitutionalize charity by helping you become friends […]

Living in the Margins with James Barnett, Founder of Neighborly

The Lovelight Stories Podcast with James Barnett, Founder of Neighborly

Lovelight Stories Podcast

welcome to the lovelight stories podcast! Why is it that humanity has yearned for peace over centuries of time, yet it seems the world is increasingly dividing over polarizing views, power, individualism, and hate? It’s true, we live in a fallen world with its fair dose of pain, hatred, and suffering – yet, there IS […]

Introducing The Lovelight Stories Podcast

The Lovelight Stories Podcast with Stephanie Jacobs

Lovelight Stories Podcast