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Today on the podcast I’m welcoming Danielle Flint! She is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Georgia. In this episode, Danielle shares her intimate story of experiencing sexual assault and how it ultimately affected her life. Her story will help you come to better understand the internal trauma that can occur within those who’ve experienced this […]

Sexual Assault and Trauma Therapy with Danielle Flint

The Lovelight Stories Podcast | Sexual Assault and Trauma Therapy with Danielle Flint

Lovelight Stories Podcast

Today on the podcast I’m welcoming Diana Ashworth. A native to Georgia, she serves many roles for LifeChangers Legacy, as well as serves as an intake coordinator for the National Incarceration Association, advocating for those who are incarcerated. She also coaches others to move through their pain, having experienced much pain at multiple points in […]

Health Trauma: Moving through “Paralyzing” Circumstances with Diana Ashworth

The Lovelight Stories Podcast_Diana Ashworth

Lovelight Stories Podcast

When James Barnett became disillusioned with the church, he knew he needed to go find Jesus elsewhere — by living in the margins. After having chosen to live homeless for two years, James founded Neighborly, a relationship-based poverty relief organization advocating for biblical justice. Their mission is to deinstitutionalize charity by helping you become friends […]

Living in the Margins with James Barnett, Founder of Neighborly

The Lovelight Stories Podcast with James Barnett, Founder of Neighborly

Lovelight Stories Podcast

It was 2010 when I sat down to write my first life plan. It was a dark evening and I was sitting at my desk next to a glowing lamp in my small freshmen dorm. As I fervently wrote, I remember thinking how excited I was to write out what I wanted my life to […]

5 Tips for Creating a Life Plan that Inspires You

notebook on desk

Personal Transformation