Lovelight Stories Podcast

Sexual Assault and Trauma Therapy with Danielle Flint

January 29, 2025

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The Lovelight Stories Podcast | Sexual Assault and Trauma Therapy with Danielle Flint

Today on the podcast I’m welcoming Danielle Flint! She is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Georgia. In this episode, Danielle shares her intimate story of experiencing sexual assault and how it ultimately affected her life. Her story will help you come to better understand the internal trauma that can occur within those who’ve experienced this type of violation, and how one begins to heal. Today as a mental health therapist, Danielle graciously shares therapy strategies we can utilize to honor our own difficult experiences and begin to move through trauma.


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Topics covered in this episode:

  • Hear Danielle’s intimate story of experiencing sexual assault and the deep-lasting impact it had on her life
  • Understand how she came to be a mental health therapist
  • Learn applicable therapy strategies we can utilize in our own lives to honor our emotions, move through our trauma, and begin on a path to healing!

I met Danielle in a couple’s small group through Northpoint Church multiple years ago already, and we’ve remained friends. She is poised, professional, and as you’ll come to see, very passionate about her work. I’m convinced we need more therapists like Danielle, and I think you’ll see why as you listen-in!

The Lovelight Stories Podcast | Sexual Assault and Trauma Therapy with Danielle Flint

Danielle's Bio:

Hello! My name is Danielle Flint, and I am Licensed Professional Counselor in Georgia. I have a passion for working with those that are recovering from abuse and relationship trauma and those struggling with anxiety, depression, and perfectionism. I've been in practice in the Atlanta area for five years, and, prior to becoming a counselor, worked with a discipleship ministry. I live with my husband, Chase, and our dog Rosie. When I'm not working, I love to read, cook and bake, and spend time with friends trying out new restaurants and breweries around Atlanta.
Instagram: @remainconnected

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Stephanie Jacobs | Storyteller & Advocate for Social Justice
The Lovelight Stories Podcast | Sexual Assault and Trauma Therapy with Danielle Flint
The Lovelight Stories Podcast | Sexual Assault and Trauma Therapy with Danielle Flint

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