Today on the podcast I’m welcoming Scott Shickler. Scott is one of the world’s leading experts on youth empowerment. He is the best-selling author of the book, The 7 Mindsets to Live Your Ultimate Life, and is the co-founder of 7 Mindsets, an education technology company serving 5-million students and educators throughout the US. In this episode, he helps us understand the power of these mindsets, for students and adults alike! You’ll come to understand how mindset plays a big role in our ability to find success, overcome challenges, and even deal with trauma…AND you’ll walk away with mindset techniques you can apply to your own life TODAY!
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Topics discussed in this episode:
- Hear the evolution story of the 7 Mindsets, and the huge impact the mindsets are making across schools and students worldwide.
- Understand how mindset plays a big role in our ability to find success, overcome challenges, and even deal with trauma.
- Learn how The 7 Mindsets can be incorporated into creating a life plan.
- Learn how you or your kids can experience The Ultimate Life Summit too!
- Walk away with mindset techniques you can apply to your life today!

I’m especially excited to share this episode with you, because Scott and I go WAAYYY back! At the age of 18, I was a student of the 7 Mindsets myself. If you’ve been around for a while, you know I talk about life planning often. Well, get this: I wrote my very first life plan 15 years ago using the mindsets at the Ultimate Life Summit! I was SOO excited about my entire experience that week and about the 7 Mindsets, it set me on fire to share it with basically everyone I could get to listen! We ended up working together in different capacities for multiple years, and it’s a joy to now have Scott on this show. The 7 Mindsets are just as powerful as ever, and I still want to tell everyone I know about them! (hence, why I'm sharing them with you!)
Resources mentioned:
- Learn more and register for The Ultimate Life Summit!
- Donate to The Magic Wand Foundation!
- Grab the 7 Mindsets book! An Amazon #1 bestseller!
- Curious about starting your own life planning journey? This yearly reflection journal helps you cultivate more alignment and purpose in your life. Perfect for anyone who wants to find their inner peace and inspiration for the season ahead!
Scott's Bio:
Scott Shickler is one of the world’s leading experts on youth empowerment. He is the best-selling author of The 7 Mindsets to Live Your Ultimate Life. Scott has been featured in a variety of media including CNN, NBC News, and The New York Times. The Wall Street Journal referred to him as a serial entrepreneur and collectively his companies have grossed over $137 million.
Scott grew up in New York and now lives in Atlanta with his wife and two sons. He is the co-founder of 7 Mindsets, an education technology company serving 5-millions students and educators throughout the US. Scott is also a co-founder of the Magic Wand Foundation, a non-profit devoted to empowering young people and youth organizations globally.
Scott loves to travel with his family to create unique adventures and memories to last a lifetime. He is also a huge fan and supporter of musical theatre and plays.
Magic Wand Foundation | Ultimate Life Summit | Instagram MWF | LinkedIn MWF
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