Perfect for anyone who wants to find their inner peace and inspiration for the season ahead!

A yearly reflection journal to help you cultivate more alignment and purpose in your life.

Yearly Life Planning Reflection Journal

Imagine taking the time to first dig deep into the core of your feelings, emotions, needs, and desires to find what really matters to you and why. Imagine if you could uncover the deep-held value behind your goals, turning your “have-to’s” into “get-to-do’s!

Have you tried creating goals for the new year, month or season, only to find that life takes over and pushes those goals aside?
Do your goals sometimes feel like “have-to’s” instead of “get-to-do’s?

How you feel going into what’s next for you, matters.

Often, we push our feelings aside in favor of checking-off our list or reaching our goals. Yet, our feelings and emotions play a big role in our ability to reach our goals, don’t they?

It’s possible to find an inner peace and calm to help you begin your next season with hope and enthusiasm!

Perhaps your goals have worked for you in the past (kuddos to you!), but something still feels misaligned…

...Just writing down your goals for the year isn’t enough, even if you achieve them.

A Minnesota — turned Georgia girl, storyteller, & advocate for social justice who's out to bring a little more light to a sometimes-dark world.

I help people like you embrace their personal stories and live with intention. In doing so, I create space to uncover beautiful, redemptive stories — paving the way to personal transformation, expanded worldviews, and a deeper understanding of humanity.

Personally, I came to find and articulate this purpose through lots of prayer and life planning. I’ve been creating a life plan for over a decade, and it’s helped me find who I long to be, as well as articulate my most precious priorities in each area of my life – allowing me to live with intention. This life planning practice has been so life changing for me, that I’ve set out to help others like you do the same!

To put it short, I’m here to help you cultivate more alignment and purpose in your life, Lovely!

Hello there, I'm Stephanie!


A yearly reflection journal to help you cultivate more alignment and purpose in your life. Perfect for anyone who wants to find their inner peace and inspiration for the season ahead!

The Yearly Life Planning Reflection Journal


  • Dig deep into the core of your feelings, emotions, needs, and desires – to help you find what really matters to you and why.

  • Access your feelings and emotions to align your heart with your goals.

  • Find an inner peace and calm to help you achieve your goals with hope and enthusiasm.

  • Reflect upon your current life, so that you can begin the next step of creating a life plan.

  • Access my favorite resources to guide you in creating your own life plan!

This reflection journal will help you…

I really want to help you get started on your life planning journey, so you'll also get:

Wait, there's a bonus!

This exclusive, reduced-rate coaching discount is available ONLY to purchasers of "The Yearly Life Planning Reflection Journal".

Gain access to purchase a reduced-rate 30-minute 1:1 life planning coaching session with me to help you move into the process of creating your life plan!

Reduced-rate 30-minute 1:1 coaching session with me ($40 VALUE)


Full price: $77, Reduced rate: $37  (52% savings)

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— My past self after discovering the power of life planning

“I’ll never forget how rejuvenated I felt, and the hope I came home with in my heart.”

a few FAQ's:

I have a question...

I believe so wholeheartedly in the power of life planning, that I want to help you move into the process of actually creating your life plan too! Your reduced-rate 1:1 life planning coaching bonus is a great way to get help and feedback as you begin! I also include my absolute favorite life planning resources I swear by in this reflection journal too!

What kind of support can I get if I get stuck?

Yes! Just writing down our goals isn’t enough to find true purpose and alignment in our life. This reflection journal will help you dig deep into your feelings and emotions to help you uncover an inner peace and inspiration for your next season. It will also help you reflect upon your current life, so that you can begin the next step of creating a life plan.

I already create yearly goals and achieve them. Is this reflection journal still for me?

I’d say we all need to go even deeper! This reflection journal is the first step to cultivating more alignment and purpose in your life through accessing your feelings and emotions. It’s designed to set you up for the next step, which is actually creating your life plan! But don’t worry, I include my favorite resources in this journal to guide you in that next step too (either free or very low priced)! Each year, I personally begin with these questions to align with my core, and then dig into the life planning process using those resources myself! 

What if I need help going even deeper than what’s inside this reflection journal?

You were made with a specific purpose, and you deserve to take time to find greater alignment in your life and uncover that purpose! It’s some of the most important work you’ll do, after all.

And don’t forget! When you grab this reflection journal, you receive exclusive access to purchase a reduced-rate 30-minute 1:1 life planning coaching session with me to help you move into the process of creating your life plan!

With you in this, Lovely!

Are You Ready to Find More Alignment and Purpose in Your Life?

— Stephanie Jacobs

"Life planning is not about living in the future. It’s about intentionally living in the present moment. It’s keeping the future in mind by living out your best life each and every day."