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As we enter the last month of summer, I thought I’d share 5 of my favorite fun summer reads, so you can slip them into your beach bag before summer ends! Last August I shared a post with “5 Social Justice Books for Your Summer Reading List”. It was full of books that eloquently balance […]

5 Books for Your Summer Reading List

Books on beach towel

Social Issues

According to, the word “ judgment” can be defined as: “the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, especially in matters affecting action; good sense; discretion”.  That doesn’t sound half bad, does it? I’d like to be known for making good judgments! Wouldn’t you? 😉  Judgment can […]

How Learning Helps Us Think Critically Instead of Judging Others

woman writing in journal

Personal Transformation

I’ve been thinking a lot about vulnerability over the last year. As I’ve dug deeper into storytelling and social issues affecting us as humanity, I’ve realized vulnerability is at the heart of it all! Often, difficult social issues cause us to be in a position of vulnerability (usually not by choice), and telling our personal […]

5 Questions to Embrace Vulnerability When You Feel Vulnerable

two hands reaching out to touch

Personal Transformation

Humanity. What does it mean to be human? With all our complexity as human beings living in a broken (yet still beautiful) world, it can be easy to get lost on the quest to finding our truest selves. Who do we want to be, and how do we want to show up in the world? […]

How to Cultivate a More Authentic Life

flowers in field

Personal Transformation