Meet my brother, Jesse! He was born with Down syndrome when I was just 2 years old, and he has been the absolute best gift our family could have ever received. In this episode, I’m interviewing Jesse and you’ll simply get to know him, understand the love and innocence his perspective brings to those around him, and peer into our special relationship.
We really do have the sweetest relationship, and we truly are best friends…We do everything together, of which he’ll tell you all about in this episode!
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Listen-in as we explore Jesse’s favorite things!
- What’s your favorite thing to eat on Tuesdays?
- What’s your favorite thing we did together this summer?
- What’s your favorite thing to drink?
- What’s your favorite thing to watch on TV?
- What’s your favorite thing we do together?
- You said you had a dream the other night. What was it?
- Do you like having Down Syndrome?
- What’s the best thing about having Down Syndrome?
…and more!
So, come meet my brother, Jesse! I can’t wait for you to get to know him!

Send us your Heartmail!
Have a relatable experience to share, encouraging words for our guest, or just want to share a comment?
If there’s a large response to today's episode, we might just bring our guest back on the show to dive into your comments, or even have them join us as a guest in The Lovelight Stories FB Community!
1.) Submit your written questions
Submit your written questions for Jesse or encouraging comments, and we might just do another episode to discuss them with you! (I know he’d love your comments!) Submit here!
2.) Leave a quick voice message
Leave a voice message for Jesse instead, using Speakpipe here!
Submit your guest idea
Have someone in your life who has Down syndrome that would like to join me on the show? Submit your guest idea here!

Watch on YouTube!
Related stories:
Read: What it’s like to grow up with a brother who has Down Syndrome
(Read to see lots of pictures too!)
Watch Our Documentary Story: My Brother with Down Syndrome

I have a disability. I wish Jessie could be my best friend because I don’t have many friends. I think Jessie would be a great best friend. Thank you for sharing Jessie with me. You are an awesome sister.
Hi Angela – Thank you for taking the time to comment on Jesse’s story! I know Jesse would love to be your best friend if he could!