Today on the podcast I’m welcoming Zemmie Fleck. She is the Executive Director of Georgia Right to Life in Atlanta, advocating for all life from conception to natural death. She herself has a unique adoption story that she shares so beautifully with us!
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You’ll hear Zemmie’s personal story of adoption along with her 4 siblings at just 5 months old. In this episode, you’ll also have the chance to expand your perspective, as we discuss both sides of the abortion issue. Ultimately, you’ll hear why Zemmie believes that any human being can thrive, and that they just need to be given a chance.
Topics covered in this episode:
- Hear Zemmie’s personal story of being adopted, along with her 4 other siblings, by her parents who took them in essentially overnight. Come to understand her parent’s love, faith and trust in the Lord through welcoming strangers into their home with open arms!
- Hear how Zemmie became the Executive Director of Georgia Right to Life, and what they stand for.
- Engage with us as we discuss common questions and stances around abortion and pro-life.

Overall, this is a pro-life conversation, but I don’t want that to turn you away from this conversation! There’s so much more to this episode than a dry discussion about abortion and right to life issues. Zemmie’s own adoption story is one of true faith and trust by her parents and is so inspiring in itself! And the grace and love Zemmie grew up surrounded by, certainly comes through in this episode, as we challenge BOTH sides of the abortion issue. Whatever your views may be, I hope you’ll listen-in to hear Zemmie’s story and challenge your perspective on this issue. In fact, that’s part of what this podcast is all about - challenging our perspectives through story!
*If you or someone you know are experiencing an unwanted pregnancy or related difficult situation, GA Right to Life is available to serve as a resource and can point you to many other resources too. www.grtl.org

Links (freebies) mentioned:
If you’d like to continue expanding your own perspectives and worldviews, I’ve created a free checklist for you!

Zemmie's Bio:
A native Georgian, Zemmie grew up in Decatur. After only being married for six months, her parents adopted her and four older siblings upon hearing of the death of their birth mother. Her parents were a living testimony of giving selflessly and contentedly to those in need – physically, spiritually, and financially. Protestant Christianity was a central foundation and focus of family life and Zemmie does not recall a day of her life in which she did not know and love Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. She can truly say with the Psalmist that, “He has been my God from my mother’s womb”. In addition to being a mother to three grown sons, and grandmother of eight, Zemmie has been in full time Christian ministry for over 30 years. Her service has ranged from all areas of church ministry into the pro-life advocacy role that she holds today as the Executive Director of Georgia Right to Life. Her greatest desire is that God will be glorified in all that she does and that she will “…seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God” (Micah 6:8).
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