Today on the podcast I’m welcoming Branden & Lacy Terrell. In this episode, I’m sitting down with Branden and Lacy to hear their unique and redemptive love story filled with perseverance, resilience and love. You’ll come to better understand the topics of domestic abuse and incarceration through their personal stories. Branden shares his story of being incarcerated for 11 years for manslaughter, and Lacy shares her story of experiencing domestic abuse and the resulting trauma.
You’ll learn how they met while Branden was in prison, how their marriage survived 6+ years of prison life, and how they’re thriving today too! Their story is a powerful redemption story and testimony of God’s goodness that will leave you with hope and encouragement!
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Topics discussed in this episode:
- Hear Lacy’s story of domestic abuse and the words of hope she has for other women enduring something similar.
- Hear Branden’s story of being incarcerated for murdering his best friend, surviving the violent walls of prison, and how God transformed his life and lead him on a path to restoration.
- Better understand what life in prison is like.
- Hear the story of how Branden and Lacy met, married while Branden was still in prison, and how their marriage survived 6+ years of prison life.
- Get a peek into what life was like when Branden finally came home, and the beautiful redemption story they’re living as a family!
- Learn how Branden is now helping others either coming out of prison or in need of rehabilitation support for any reason!
God has uniquely woven their personal stories together into a redemptive love story, only He could orchestrate!

I met Lacy all the way back in 2020, at which time we recorded a video interview. Lacy has an incredible personal story, and you can still find our interview on YouTube to understand her story in more depth than we get into in this episode. At the time of that recording, Branden, her husband, was still in prison at San Quentin State Prison. He’s since been released, and today we get to hear from both Lacy and Branden as they share their unique love story filled with resilience and hope!

This might just be the most powerful story yet on The Lovelight Stories Podcast! We cover so much in this hour-long episode! You’ll not only walk away having learned about life in prison, incarceration, and domestic abuse…but you’ll also gain a new perspective through the wisdom, hope, and lived experience they’re sharing with us today. This is a true and powerful testimony story of God’s goodness, and the transformation He can do in our lives when we let him. It was an absolute honor and privilege to be trusted enough to share their intimate and God-honoring story with you today. I’m so happy you’re listening-in, and I know this conversation will bless you!
Resources mentioned:
Thinking about sharing your own personal story? Grab The Confident Storyteller’s Toolkit!
This 24-page comprehensive toolkit will help you craft and share your personal story with confidence. It’s perfect for anyone who’s walked a difficult path in life and wants to turn their pain into purpose!
Other episodes mentioned:
Watch these episodes to learn more about Branden and Lacy's personal stories!

Branden & Lacy's Bio:
Branden was incarcerated for 11 years for manslaughter, and met Lacy while incarcerated. Lacy had previously experienced domestic abuse and was healing from a divorce and trauma caused from the abuse. They were able help each other on their healing journey and endure 6.5 years of separation. Branden came home in 2022, and now they enjoy spending time with their kids, who Branden recently adopted, playing sports, traveling and just being together.
Follow Lacy @Stormy.Terrell & Branden @Brandenterrellcoaching on Instagram.

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