It’s here! My new office is done! It’s been three years since I built up the gusto to leave the large international consulting firm I worked for as a project manager. I was stepping out in faith to follow the calling God had placed on my heart, and I couldn’t have been more ready! (You can read that whole story here.) I remember it being such an exciting time with so many possibilities ahead! I remember dreaming about what I wanted Lovelight Stories to become, who I’d hope to meet, and even the aesthetics of my future workspace too!
Design, space, sights, sounds, smells - I love it all! Creating a space that feels a certain way when you walk into the room, is a creative endeavor and something I love to do! Why? I believe God created beauty for us to enjoy. He wants us to marvel at His creation, be creative ourselves, and find joy in the simple things all around us!

I believe intentional design is one way to bring that beauty to life through a space that has meaning! Whether it’s creating a hospitable, warm, and welcoming space for guests in your home, or creating a room that inspires your creativity, incorporating intentional pieces of meaning throughout can really make a space feel alive!
In this post, I’ll be sharing the meaning behind 5 pieces I incorporated into my own new office! You’ll also get to see an overall behind the scenes look at the space! (a.k.a. the space from which flows grace - or something like that 😉! Ha.) For real, more grace is something I pray for each day, and I wanted an office that inspires that while I work too! Ultimately, my goal was to create a space that is: encouraging, warm, personal, feminine, casual, joyful, and faith-filled!

So, here are 5 pieces of meaning in my new office:
1. Hand lettered Globe
I had it made special on Etsy, and it has so many meanings! First, I believe everybody has a story, and the world needs to hear it! Our worldviews are ever-expanding as we learn from each other through our personal stories - literally, from people living all around the globe! 🌎

2. Photo with my brother, Jesse
I love this photo, because it captures perfectly our genuine joy when we’re together! The story that lead me here today began the day he was born when I was just two years old. He was born with Down syndrome and as his sister, I learned to see beauty through his eyes. Over time, he taught me empathy, and I became his advocate. We are best friends. We Skype every Saturday at 3pm ET on the button! We do all kinds of fun things together, and he brings me SO MUCH JOY!! He is one of the absolute best gifts God has ever given me, and I’m so grateful to be his sister! 💗
3. Stack of books
We’re all still writing our stories. These books symbolize the many stories told by those who have walked through difficult seasons and have found redemption in their lives. There’s hope in God’s redeeming love! Our stories are still unfolding. We don’t know the ending, but God does, and Lovely, I know it’s going to be so beautiful!

4. Photo of a water well being built in La Beyi, Haiti
We’ve been walking with the community as they lead their development over the past few years, and one of the biggest initiatives was a water well! The last time I lead a team to visit the community, this is what the well looked like! It was already being built and we didn’t even know they had started yet! It was such a joyful surprise to see! (You can see photos of the process and read more about the well and other community updates here!) All in all, through efforts of past teams who’ve visited and people in this community (YOU!) we raised about $93,000 dollars for community projects and this water well was one of those projects. I keep this photo facing away from my desk so I can see it while sitting in the chair by my window. It’s a reminder to pray for our friends in Haiti, thank God for all He has done in and through the community, and remember the incredible mountain-top week we experienced together that year.

5. World Map
It was given to me as a gift by my best friend and it’s stayed with us through each move. We initially had it hanging in our den where we keep all our travel maps, books, and momentos, but it now seems like a perfect fit in my new office! It reminds me of the big, beautiful world God created, and the many people, cultures, and stories of humanity we have yet to hear. I love to travel and learn about people and cultures. There’s so much of God’s creation to explore. and it just felt right to include this map as a reminder of it all!

Other things I incorporated into the space:
- Pillows, blankets and candles for a warm, personal, casual, and inviting space!
- My favorite diffuser and Doterra essential oils for an aroma that matches the room. When I walk-in I feel relaxed, focused, and energized!
- A bookcase with books for the many stories of Lovelight Stories!
- Light and airy colors for a joyful, feminine, faith-filled space!
- Lots of boxes and baskets to stay organized, and greenery for an uplifting, fresh feel!
- Many scriptures and quotes about God’s light and love!
- A gold metal inbox for the many notes I send/receive from people like you engaged with the Lovelight Stories community!
- My Bible, devotionals, and travel and design magazines, because I don’t just work in my office. I pray and play here too! 😊
Lastly, I’m able to see this big hand lettered sign between my two windows all day while I work. It’s a reminder of why I’m on this journey, and that this is ultimately God’s work, not mine. 🙏 He's leading the way.

There ya have it! There are the 5 pieces of meaning in my new office and a glimpse of the rest of the space too! I hope you enjoyed peeking into the meaning behind my space, and I hope it inspires you to incorporate meaning into yours too!
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