Today on the podcast I’m welcoming Patricia Jones. She is a mental health therapist, and has such a wealth of knowledge stemming from her own life story and experiences, that I just had to have her on the show! In this episode we’re sitting down to understand Patricia’s experience living as a black woman in America. You’ll also gain a new perspective as you hear her story of walking through multiple divorces, raising black children, enduring racial tension, and serving as a therapist in her day job.
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I met Patricia back in 2019 when she joined the mission trip to Haiti I was co-leading. And thank goodness she joined! Patricia is one of my favorite people both for her lightheartedness and ability to speak the truth from deep wisdom.
Much of this wisdom she’s gained through her own life experiences. As she shares her story in the first half of this episode today, you’ll come to understand the immense difficulties she’s endured, which in large part lead her to first going to therapy herself!
In the second half of this episode and without getting too political, we get into a deep discussion around the insurrection at the capital and her experiences living as a black woman in America. I think you’ll find her perspective here very interesting, as she vulnerably shares her lived experiences while balancing them with a therapist mindset.

Topics covered in this episode:
- Walking through 3 divorces due to her husbands’ drug dealing, abuse, and addiction - while still trying to provide stability for her children
- What lead her to become a therapist herself, and what she’s seeing with anxiety and depression today
- Her perspective and lived experience of the insurrection at the capital in 2020
- Her experience as a black woman living in America
- Stories of the racism she’s encountered in her life, and how we can work to actively dismantle it in our hearts

Don’t get lost in this story! Listen until the end and you’ll be glad you stuck around for such an eye-opening episode. Patricia is SO wise, and I just can’t wait for you to meet her!
In this episode, Patricia reminds us that if there’s a line of segregation drawn in our hearts, we can’t transform what happens in our society, and we can’t move the issue of racism forward. It’s a heart issue that begins inside of each of us. I think it’s such a powerful reflection and I challenge you to take up Patricia’s call to be honest with yourself and reflect on what’s present in your heart! After all, we only want love + light inside of us, right? 😉
Patricia's bio:
Patricia is a calm, loving, funny, and insightful therapist. Loving life and living out loud is what she ascribes to do. She was born in St. Louis, MO but spent most of her adult life in the San Francisco, Bay Area of California. In her free time she enjoys dancing and acting, and is usually performing with a dance group or in a play at any given time. She also loves to travel and has touched 6 of the 7 continents, including living in Liberia, West Africa for 4 ½ years. Needless to say, she has seen and experienced a lot and brings that wealth of wisdom into her therapy of empowerment. She is also an open-minded believer in God with a heavy background in Biblical studies. Patricia has a way of transforming difficult/complex situations into simple, resolvable solutions for her clients.
Find Patricia at trust2change.com or psychologytoday.com
Links (freebies) mentioned:
- Considering whether you’re ready to share your own story? Snag my First-Time Storyteller Checklist to tell your story with confidence and no regrets!
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