Welcome! Lovelight Stories was created to share stories highlighting social issues through a positive lens of light in the name of education, encouragement, and collaboration. It’s my hope this can be a place for us to learn of and gather around causes we care about! If you’re new to Lovelight Stories, take a quick moment to read about my story and how this all came to be!
Today’s story focuses on Charity: water! One of my greatest passions is poverty alleviation through access to clean water and thus, I’ve followed Charity: water for some time. Some of you may remember my birthday campaign for clean water last September. Some of you even donated to that campaign! Thank you - more to come on the status of our project in a moment.
Speaking of birthdays, it’s Charity: water’s 12th birthday today! (I’m over here celebrating with a glass of water and cupcake in hand)…Really though, I am!

This year I’m part of the launch team for founder, Scott Harrison's, new book called Thirst! The book will be on shelves October 2! First, a bit of transparency - Although I’m part of the launch team, I’m not promoting this book because I’m told it’s a good thing to do or for any self-serving reasons. I was invited purely as a supporter of Charity: water and I’m choosing to share this book with you because I’m genuinely so excited about the potential of this book to positively impact humanity - through the inspiration we’ll receive in reading it, and in the potential it has to bring clean water to people around the world! As a member of the launch team, I’ve had the privilege of hearing from Scott directly (he’s so genuine by the way) and these are the things I know to be true:
It costs $30 for 1 person to have access to clean water for life. Charity: water reviews financials at the end of each year to ensure costs shake out to an average of $30 a person.
Charity: water has grown out of true concern for the poor and desire to restore human dignity. I can hear this in listening to Scott share their purposeful work.
100% of proceeds of the book will go directly to fund clean water projects around the world AND for every pre-ordered book before Oct. 2, a long-time supporter has agreed to provide a $30 donation, bringing water to one person in need each time! AND, in honor of Charity: water’s birthday today only, the supporter will double their donation to $60 for each book sold. That’s 2 people who will receive water with each book sold today + all proceeds from book sales go to fund clean water projects around the world!
I get so excited about projects that leverage collective action for the benefit of others! Anyone else?
Here’s why I love Charity: water and I’m thrilled about Thirst:
100% of donations Charity: water receives goes directly to clean water projects. They receive separate, private donations specifically to support administrative costs, so they can put all of our donations to work in the field.
They amplify donor transparency and monitor well repairs. Last September my birthday campaign raised $1,151 and since then, I’ve received notice they’re using those funds to partner with World Vision to deliver water in Mozambique! Once complete, they'll share a full report like this one, GPS coordinates, photos, and other details about the impact we've made. They even monitor water flow for quick response to needed repairs. Check it out!
They partner with local people. They select water technology most appropriate for the area and according to Charity: water, “The work starts at the village-level. The community elects a Water Committee to oversee the project; they're trained on how to manage and maintain it. Then, the whole community contributes time and labor to the construction.” This is critical for long-term sustainability and development of the area.

You see, by buying Thirst, we’re doing so much more than buying a book. We’re doing our part to reach those whom need help, and more importantly…we CAN help! Knowing this, leads me to this year’s birthday wish (yep, I share a birthday month with Charity: water!) - That everyone will buy a copy of the book today!
All books purchased on September 7 will generate a $60 donation, and all books purchased after September 7 until books hit stands on October 2, will still generate a $30 donation (while funds remain). Be sure to forward receipts to: unlock@charitywater.org. Details at ThirstBook.com
Interested in starting your own birthday campaign? It’s easy! Details here.
Want to learn more? watch this video about Scott Harrison’s story of Charity: water.
Want to win a book? In honor of Charity: water’s birthday, I’m ordering two more copies of Thirst and will be selecting one person from each social platform to receive the book when it hits stands on October 2! Simply “like” @Lovelightstories on Facebook or follow on Instagram AND sign-up below to receive stories!
Looking forward to collaborating with you!
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