Today on the podcast I’m welcoming Maria Hansen-Quine. She is a global speaker, author, clinical social worker and school counselor, and serves as the Global Ethnic and Racial Healing Manager at Hillsong Church. She’s a strong advocate for adoption, inclusion, and trauma-based parenting. Alongside her husband, Sam, who is an adult adoptee from South Korea, they are parents to what she terms as “nine precious jewels” - two biological children and seven adopted children (from the United States, China, and Ghana).
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In this episode, you’ll hear Maria’s beautiful story of God’s blessings as she shares how her life has intricately unwoven into a lovely testimony of God’s goodness. Come to see how saying “yes” to adopting 7 children and allowing Him to direct her path, has lead her to a life of joy and overwhelming blessings!
Topics covered in this episode:
- Hear how Maria and her husband have chosen to say “Yes” to God and His plan for their lives in serving Him and His people.
- Hear adoption stories of Maria’s 7 adopted children (from the United States, China, and Ghana), and the ways in which God lead them to each.
- Come to understand how instrumental trauma-based parenting has been in raising their 9 children and how you can begin to learn about it too!
- Learn about the mission of Hillsong Church’s Global Ethnic and Racial Healing Initiative Maria is leading to bring Unity to the global church.

I’ve followed Maria online for years, and was delighted she said “yes” to joining me on the podcast! The way she lives her life is so pure and in keeping with God’s word to love all people. She’s a life-long learner, and as you’ll come to see in this episode, she and her husband, Sam, continually step out in faith to live out the life God has planned for them. Their story and that of their 9 children is so inspiring, and I just can’t wait for you to listen-in!
Links mentioned:
If you’re parenting adopted or foster children, don’t forget to checkout the 2 books Maria recommends!

Maria's Bio:
Maria Hansen-Quine, LASW, MSW, is a global speaker, a clinical social worker and school counselor, and the Global RDEI manager for Hillsong Church. As an immigrant from the Faroe Islands to Canada, learning English for the first time at the age of 11, Maria thought her life was ruined and struggled for years to believe God’s promises in Jeremiah 29:11. Most of Maria’s passions were birthed through this story and also through the stories God wrote during her college summers in Camden, New Jersey, with an inner-city ministry called Urban Promise. The summer after, Maria started a program for at-risk kids in Washington, called Ray of Hope that is still bringing hope. Alongside her husband Sam, who is an adult adoptee from South Korea, they are the parents to nine precious jewels, two biological and seven adopted (from the United States, China, and Ghana), several with varying special needs and mental health needs, and the grandparents to one grandson jewel.

Maria and Sam are award recipients of the TWU Alumni Distinction Raw Edge of Faith Award. Maria has authored two children’s books, Be Different & Be Kind and Hope, and has one more soon to be released called, One Word That Could Change the World. Maria is also hoping to soon publish two non-fiction books, currently titled A Million Little Stories and Precious Jewels Mamma, with several more book ideas. Maria is passionate about everyday living out God’s stories, and with her family is living her best life in Phoenix Arizona (USA). Maria loves the outdoors and is often found on top of a mountain or at the ocean, her also loving to run, running every day.
Instagram & Facebook @mariahansenquine
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